About Erwin

Born and grown up in Holland, played korfbal when I was younger. Moved to Scotland and founded my family. have worked as a (pastry) chef/head chef before going to university and study computing. Working for ninewells Hospital for diabetes. I have 2 kids who might start korfball later too.

First games of the season for DKC 1

The first team has had their first games played last week-end against Northern Storm and St.Andrews. With the last few weeks the change of training style had good hopes against Storm as we still have to beat them. Both teams played a furious game and the ball was travelling fast between sprinting players. Alas the shots at the korf where going in on the opponents side but Dundee lacked any goals when they went into half time.
Northern Storm was leading the game with 5-0, not the score we where looking for. After a pep talk and some rest the team took position on the court again and started to find their target. With 2 goals in quick succession the first points where on the board, and the third was not far behind.
Storm came back with Kyle scoring their sixth goal, followed by Nigel to make it 4 – 6. Storm came back again to 4 – 7. Paul scored to make it 5-7, Storm misses a penalty and Nigel scored another to get it to 6 – 7, just in time as the final whistle went.
A good fight but unfortunately not enough, who knows what would have happened if we managed to score the 3 penalties we had. But that is if.. and did not happen.

After a brake when Storm played St.Andrews (score was low, I think 4-3 to St.Andrews Oops, score was 4 all.) DKC1 was on again this time against St.Andrews. This time they did not hang around, in the first attack they scored their first goal (Paul). A penalty taken by Blair found it’s way this time and the score is 2 -0.
St.Andrews was given a penalty and scored to make it 2 – 1, but DKC did not wait long to take it back by David and Paul running in to make it 4- 1.
Again we see St.Andrews scoring to be followed by Mary and David to widen the gap to 6-2. St.Andrews distance shot took one back,followed by a nice running in from Carla. As soon as the ball was back in our attack David scored another. The score at half time was 8 – 3, that’s better than lagging behind 5-0.
St.Andrews started well as they scored first, but Carla scored twice to make it 10 – 4. It started to become a bit of a habit, St.Andrews scores, we score back. David scored, and they took their eyes of Carla. She was free under the post, ball went straight to her and in 12-5.
Towards the end St.Andrews tried hard and managed to score some more before we got some in as well. The final score was a great 14 – 9 win, well done team.


Coaches for the club

New Coaches for the club?

Last week-end several members of the club attended a coaching course in Glasgow. Michael, Paul, Caroline Chris and Erwin all went to Glasgow for a full day of instructions and practices. Joined by several others from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and Oban there was a right mix in experience and years played, one was so brave to attend even that she had never played before, well done.
The course was organised by our own coach Nigel with Mary, and they had Graham Box over to lead the course. I think that I can speak for all that the course was very well organised and enjoyed by all. The day started at 10:00, a break in the middle for some food and ended at 17:00. I have to say I can feel my muscles today (Monday 2-12) and I am glad the training is not until Thursday. All that attended have to lead a session to show that we have been listening and have taken on board all the material covered during the day before we can call ourselves qualified level 1 coaches, but I think that we are all up for that.
So, what does that mean for the training sessions? I think this means that we can look forward to different coaches taking sessions, with different approaches and styles with different techniques getting the focus. Exciting times.

So, bring along your friends that have been telling you all along that they should start doing some exercise. Dundee korfball is getting better and better.


Newsletter link

Nigel is 50!

Last Saturday there was a tournement to celebrate the birthday of Nigel Cooper. He had his birthday during our training session and realised Saterday afternoon why he was completely ignored and no-one congratulated him. This was all forgotten when he entered the hall at the Grove Academy where he was greeted by almost the full team and a team from Glagow to held a mini tournement in his honour. The day was followed by a drink and a meal at the Indian where he received a birthday cake in the shape of a (korf)ball.
Nigel, Congratulations…

Korfball on BB2 radio

Did you hear all the buzz around the 3 minute interview that assistant coach and Norwich Knights player Ross Lenton had on the Chris Evans Breakfast show? If anyone has a mp3 file with the interview can they share it with us.
Let’s hope that all korfball clubs are getting a boost from this.

Edit: I have now got the MP3 file with the 3 minute interview, enjoy!
