Coaches for the club

New Coaches for the club?

Last week-end several members of the club attended a coaching course in Glasgow. Michael, Paul, Caroline Chris and Erwin all went to Glasgow for a full day of instructions and practices. Joined by several others from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and Oban there was a right mix in experience and years played, one was so brave to attend even that she had never played before, well done.
The course was organised by our own coach Nigel with Mary, and they had Graham Box over to lead the course. I think that I can speak for all that the course was very well organised and enjoyed by all. The day started at 10:00, a break in the middle for some food and ended at 17:00. I have to say I can feel my muscles today (Monday 2-12) and I am glad the training is not until Thursday. All that attended have to lead a session to show that we have been listening and have taken on board all the material covered during the day before we can call ourselves qualified level 1 coaches, but I think that we are all up for that.
So, what does that mean for the training sessions? I think this means that we can look forward to different coaches taking sessions, with different approaches and styles with different techniques getting the focus. Exciting times.

So, bring along your friends that have been telling you all along that they should start doing some exercise. Dundee korfball is getting better and better.


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About Erwin

Born and grown up in Holland, played korfbal when I was younger. Moved to Scotland and founded my family. have worked as a (pastry) chef/head chef before going to university and study computing. Working for ninewells Hospital for diabetes. I have 2 kids who might start korfball later too.

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