Events over Christmas

Some dates for your diaries over the Christmas period…

December 2012

Thursday 13th, 5:30-6:30pm – last youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm, festive adults session at Ardler (bring a seasonal hat – there may even be a prize for the best one.)

Saturday 15th , evening: Party at Alan’s house. Details from Tanjeel / Alan.

Thursday 20th, 6:30-8:00pm – last adult session of the year at Ardler

January 2013

Thursday 3rd, 5:30-6:30pm – first youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm– first adult session of the year

Tuesday 8th, 6-7:30pm – first session of the year at Craigowl

Sunday 13th, 1-4pm at Douglas Sports Centre (DD4 8TG): Mini tournament to say farewell to Amy & to Steve Gilchrist

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