Dundee 1 V Ed Mavericks

Last Sunday’s match against the Edinburgh Mavericks resulted in a 4-4 draw. It was a fast paced, hard fought game where we could not hold the initial point advantage. From a 1-0 lead, to a 2-1 lead but beaten back by the Mav’s in the second period. Caroline scored a penalty and a long distance shot, Nigel scored a goal and Steve scored the fourth. All in all a great result. Looking back at the last games, we seem to get a better result, but need to get just one in at the end. Equal scores does not get us to the top 😉

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About Erwin

Born and grown up in Holland, played korfbal when I was younger. Moved to Scotland and founded my family. have worked as a (pastry) chef/head chef before going to university and study computing. Working for ninewells Hospital for diabetes. I have 2 kids who might start korfball later too.

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