Provisional fixture lists (2013)

Just a quick heads-up on our likely SKA fixtures, post-Christmas. Please note that all of these dates are PROVISIONAL, and I’ll be updating the list as and when more info is available.

Also don’t forget our own “farewell tournament” for Amy A and Steve G this weekend (Sunday, Jan 13) and the Edinburgh International Korfball Tournament on the weekend of Jan 26/27. [See Steven Morrison for more details].

weekend beginning
2nd Feb Ed City 1 v Saints 1*
3rdĀ Feb (1-3:30pm) Ed Uni 1 v Dundee 1
9th Feb Glasgow 2 v Ed Uni 3 v Dundee 2
16th Feb Ed City 1 v Mavs
16th Feb Glasgow 1 v Saints 1
23rd Feb Saints 1 v Ed Uni 1
23rd Feb Saints 2 v Glasgow 2 v Ed Uni 2
23rd Feb (4-6pm) Mavs v Dundee 1
2nd Mar Ed City 2 v Ed Uni 3 v Saints 2
2nd Mar Glasgow 1 v Ed Uni 1
2nd Mar Saints 1 v Ed City 1
9th Mar Mavs v Glasgow 1
16th Mar Dundee 1 v Glasgow 1
23rd Mar Ed Uni 1 v Mavs
23rd Mar Ed Uni 2 v Ed Uni 3
23rd Mar DundeeĀ  1 v Ed City 1
30th Mar Dundee 2 v Ed Uni 2 v Ed City 2
30th Mar Ed Uni 1 v Ed City 1
6th Apr Ed City 1 v Glasgow 1
6th Apr Ed City 2 v Glasgow 2
13th Apr Dundee 1 v Saints 1
13th Apr Saints 2 v Dundee 2
20th Apr Mavs v Saints 1
27th Apr CUP

5 thoughts on “Provisional fixture lists (2013)

  1. Are Dundee guaranteed top half? I thought we needed to wait for the result of the Edinburgh University 1 v Edinburgh City 2 game on January 19th?

  2. It looks like the Edinburgh game has already been played, from the SKA website. And DKC 1 is confirmed top half! There’s one change to the above fixtures: our away game v Mavs is now a week earlier on weekend of 23rd Feb.

  3. I saw that after I posted, but wasn’t sure if it was a genuine result- seemed a bit outrageous and the league table hadn’t been updated to reflect it. Oh, well. If it is- fantastic! Great position for only a second season.

  4. I’m not sure that it is a genuine result – there may still be some confusion in the results submission process, so we’d better just wait and see. For the timebeing though, these remain the PROVISIONAL top-half- fixtures (now amended up to version 3).

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