Outdoor Training Sessions

The club will be holding a number of outdoor training sessions over the summer, bringing korfball to different parts of Dundee. The sessions will be informal, and are a great opportunity to try the sport out in a no-pressure environment.

All sessions will be from 1330 – 1500.

13th July – Magdalen Green
27th July – Baxter Park
3rd August – Balgay Park
10th August – Broughty Ferry Beach

If you have any questions the please e-mail us at dundee@korfball.org.uk. We recommend you contact us before coming, as all sessions are subject to change (especially with the weather).

2 thoughts on “Outdoor Training Sessions

  1. Hiya,

    Would it be okay if I came along to your training session on BF beach next week, please, to see what the game is about? I’ve played lots of basketball in the past and a bit of football, so was searching for a ladies club (for either sport), but came across your site, and thought it looked even better!


    • Hi Helen

      You’d be more than welcome to come along. The version we play on the beach is a little different to what’s played indoors, but the gist of it is the same. We’d more than happy to teach you the basics and help you through a few games.

      Alternatively you could join us at one of our training sessions at the Ardler Complex from 1830 – 2000 on Thursdays. The first session is free.

      I’ve got your e-mail address through the website dashboard, and I’ll e-mail if there are any changes to the plan (or more details) for next Sunday.


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