We’re all set to start up two new after-schools clubs beginning on October 23…
The first one will be at Birkhill Primary, and is being hosted by the Angus Active Schools Coordinator, Jo Whaite. This one will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm.
The second one is a bit later on, from 6:00 to 7:30pm, and will be hosted by Mark Brash, who is the ASC for the Craigowl cluster in Dundee. These later sessions will be aimed at secondary school kids, but will be held in the main sports hall at Craigowl Primary (download the flyer here).
Anyone wanting any more details for either club should contact Nigel Cooper, DKC’s Youth Development Officer, on 07817 640432.
And don’t forget that our regular youth section is still running every Thursday evening at the Ardler Complex, from 5:30-6:30pm. Everyone is welcome here, and everyone’s first session is completely free of charge.